Thursday, September 14, 2017

Dragon Quest Heroes 2: Trainer +7 (PATCH 07.11.2017) {}

Activating this trainer: Press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options: Numpad 1: Unlimited Health Numpad 2: Unlimited Mana Numpad 3: Set XP Numpad 4: Always Full Tension Numpad 5: Set Boss Health Meter Low Numpad 6: Set Gold Numpad 7: Set Skill Points Notes: Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - toggle on and most things cannot kill you. Numpad 2: Unlimited Mana - toggle on and your mana stays full. Numpad 3: Set XPs - the best place to use this is in the town where you can visit the priestess to save games. Stand in front of her, then TOGGLE THIS ON BEFORE entering the Menu. Enter the menu, then open Attributes, then ALL and notice the XP is different. Next, toggle back off and then leave and come back and it will be set. You can then SAVE the game and the XP will be locked. You will have to LOAD the game or earn legitimate XP to level up and see changes in the stats. Numpad 4: Always Full Tension - toggle on and your tension meter stays full. Numpad 5: Set Boss Health Meter Low - while fighting the biggest enemies in the game, press this and many times their health will fall. This is not for repeating harder monsters that have HP meters, but for the bigger bosses (like in the beginning of the game when you are training). Numpad 6: Set Gold - the best place to use this is in the town where you can visit the priestess to save games. Stand in front of her, then enter the Menu where you see your gold. Toggle this on and then notice it has changed. Toggle back off and you can then SAVE your game and the save will have the gold locked. Numpad 7: Set Skill Points - the best place to use this is in the town where you can visit the priestess to save games. Stand in front of her, then enter the Menu where you see your skill points. Toggle this on and then notice it has changed. Toggle back off and you can then SAVE your game and the save will have the points locked. Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - Dragon Quest Heroes 2 Trainer Short Documentaries

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